Monday, April 16, 2007


I love having renovations done to my home, but I hate the process, just the results!!!

We are changing a few things in our main bathroom, the flooring and painting the walls. I would love to just rip out the whole bathroom and start from scratch, but that takes a lot more money than I have right now. So I'll have to settle for this for now.

I am so looking forward to the finished product though. It sure upset harmony in the home.

But its not finished there! Right after that I will be painting Jordan's room, he wants Red and Black. Then it will be Tristan's room, he's have Deep Blue and white.

Have to fit in some scrapbooking in there too..... While waiting for things to dry!

1 comment:

Paula May said...

I can't wait to see what your renovations look like! This is a really nice blog too! :)